Position Statements and Submissions

Medicare Benefits Scheme Review 

The Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Advisory Committee recently called for input into the post-implementation review of Telehealth items.  ASDP's submission focuses on equity of access to Telehealth services.


ASDP Submission to MRAC Telehealth post-implementation Review

Inquiry into the Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023 

ASDP's submission to the Inquiry into the Disability Services and Inclusions Bill(s) 2023, advocates strongly for differentiation in the legislation between children and adults, and the services and care required

ASDP Submission to Community Affairs Legislation Committee 

The Voice to Parliament

The Board of the ASDP believes that self-determination and autonomy are central to achieving best health outcomes for children. We believe that better and more equitable health and developmental outcomes are achieved when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a genuine say in the design and delivery of policies, programs and services that affect their communities.

ASDP Position Statement: Voice to Parliament

NDIS Act and Tune Review

Review of the NDIS Act to inform the development of the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee (Tune Review).

Submission to NDIS Act and Tune Review

Cover letter to NDIS and Tune Review

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Australian Senate Inquiry into Effective Approaches to Prevention, Diagnosis and Support for FASD

Submission to the FASD Senate Committee

Cover Letter to the FASD Senate Committee


Australian Department of Health consultation about the inclusion of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Medical Benefits Schedule funding.

NBPSA Joint Response on Proposed FASD Changes to MBS Funding

Autism Spectrum Disorder – Diagnosis Guideline (Australia)

ASDP has actively engaged with the ASD Guidelines review process since 2017.  We continue to advocate for amendments to the guidelines which address a number of key areas affecting outcomes for children.

NBPSA Position Statement – ASD Diagnosis Guideline

NBPSA Media Release – ASD Diagnosis Guideline

The Autism Cooperative Research Centre was commissioned by the National Disability Insurance Agency to develop the Guideline.

Submission to Autism Diagnosis Guideline Australia (draft 1) 19 Oct 2017

Submission to Autism Diagnosis Guideline Australia (draft 2) 18 Mar 2018

Australian Marriage Law Survey 2017 

The NBPSA holds the position that children are not harmed by having same-sex parents, other than by the associated societal stigma.

NBPSA Position Statement - Australian Marriage Law Survey 2017